Serving Our Community Since 1987

Anthony T. Bartlett
Contact Me:
Practice Areas:
- Family Law
- Divorce
- Child Custody
- C.I.N.A. Proceedings
- Criminal Law
- Personal Injury
- Bankruptcy
- Construction Litigation
- University of Baltimore School of Law, Baltimore, Maryland
- J.D. - 1987
- University of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland
- B.A.
Bar Admission
- Maryland, 1987
- U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland
- U.S. Tax Court
- U.S. Court of Federal Claims
Classes & Seminars
- Baltimore County Law Mentor Program, 1991-1995
- Instructor, Certified Employee Benefits Specialist, Wharton School of Business, 1992-1995
- Speaker: “Going to Court with your Pension Expert,” Baltimore County Bar Association
- Lecturer: Divorce Education Program
Pro-Bono Activities
- Justinian Society
Past Positions
- Ruppersberger, Clark & Mister, Law Clerk, 1985 to 1987
- Ruppersberger, Clark & Mister, Associate Attorney, 1987 to 1994
Professional Associations
- Maryland State Bar Association
- Baltimore County Bar Association, Family Law Committee, Member
Current Employment Position
- Partner/Member